Why Do Cats Like Small Places?
The mom purchased a really good book about kitties and it has a lot of information on why the kitties do what we do and why. I have decided to share this book with you and will be doing posts in the future that will help the humans understand us a little better. The name of the book is Why Cats Do That: A Collection Of Curious Kitty Quirks by Karen Anderson.
"Cats are fond of closet shelves, drawers, baskets, boxes, and other hideaways because they feel snug and protected in smaller, defined places . . . A cat who is especially fearful or upset might be found under beds and sofas-the harder to reach, the better."
" Kitty's love of cramped quarters is why cats don't mind cat carriers. From the cat's point of view, if the humans insist on hauling them to the dreaded vet and back, please let it be in a sturdy, secure carrying case. It is the unusual cat who prefers to roam the inside of a car and kitty usually ends up under the seat anyway."
Now some of your kitties don't like the carrier because you are sooooo smart that you remember that this means a trip to the vet doctor. That is why you will become fearful and find that safe hiding place where the mom or dad cannot get you. Never go to the vet without giving the folks a battle first.
I hope you liked this information and it helps your humans who don't know everything that they should know about the raising of a kittie. My next post from this wonderful book will be about why kitties like high places.
Happy hiding!