December 23, 2015

Holiday Cheers

~ From My Family To Yours~

December 6, 2015

Sunday Selfie

It's Sunday Selfie day and I am participating, thanks to Mauricio for hosting this fun event. The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies. Love the selfie's!!


November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving Day

~From My Family To Yours Happy Thanksgiving~


November 15, 2015

Sunday Selfie

It's Sunday Selfie day again and I am participating, thanks to Mauricio for hosting this fun event. The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies.

Sorry this is as good of a shot that I could get.
My camera kept falling over, oh man!

November 11, 2015

Thanks To All Our Veterans

My daddie
Served July 1967~February 1969
Korean Demilitarized Zone, Panmunjom Joint Security Area
Thanking my daddie and all veterans who have served our wonderful country in the armed forces making it possible for American to be a better and safer place to live.

November 8, 2015

SUNday Selfie

It's Sunday Selfie day and I am participating, thanks to Mauricio for hosting this fun event. The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies.

Oh dear I think I might be upside down and if that isn't bad enough my ear in turned inside out.

November 4, 2015

Let There Be Peace

~ Dona Nobis Pacem ~

Today I am participating in the Blog Blast for Peace. Click HERE and you will go to website BLOG 4 PEACE and get your peace background.

October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

Wishing you a very scary Halloween
Hope I didn't scare you too much!!
If it is too scary for you here go on over to the Tabby Cat Club and join in the Halloween Party fun there.

October 15, 2015

Livestrong 2015

Photo by Zoolatry

Today I am dedicating my post to Livestrong. I am wearing  yellow to raise awarness of the many people that live with cancer. This is a terrible disease that affects millions of people world-wide. Each of us probably knows of someone fighting cancer now, has lost the fight. Within the next couple of years possibly you will be affected by someone you know facing the fight of their life.  Wear the yellow today to help raise awareness and honor all that have had to deal with cancer and are dealing with cancer.

In Memory
My uncle and mom Ca. 1950

What Cancer Cannot Do:
It cannot invade the soul,
suppress memories,
kill friendships,
destroy peace,
conquer the spirit,
shatter hope,
cripple love,
corrode faith,
steal eternal life,
silence courage.

Dedicated to:
Mom's family:
Raymond Young Little 1915-1992 Father
Ronald Ray Little-1942 brother
Elgie "Pat" Boise 1880-1956 Grandfather
Naomi Gruber 1915-1990 Aunt
William Gruber 1934-1993 Cousin
Betty Gruber 1932-1995 Cousin
Luetta Buerher 1910-1992 Aunt
LaNatte Wood 1928-1992 Cousin

The family misses you.

October 13, 2015

Tuesday Toesies

I use my toesies to send messages to mom's fingers when she is working on my blog.

September 27, 2015

It's SUNday Selfie Day

It's one of my fun days of the week it's  The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies.

So sorry, I could not help this lazy SUNday yawn.

September 21, 2015

It's My Blogerversary Today

From Raz
Special Delivery Card From Sammy
Today is my Blogoversary! Did mom remember and have a post ready? Oh no she did not. My dear friend Raz send me this lovely card and cupcake via my email and Sammy also send me a beautiful card. Thank you Raz and Sammy for remembering. Thanks mom for not.
At least now mom is working on a post for me. I started my blog way back in 2009 and have come to know many dear friends, done many special events, and have lasting life long friendships.
My partners in crime Sammy & Raz.
Sammy, Raz, and I are more like siblings and even our folks are friends. There are so many friends to name I cannot name each one as my post will never end. I cherish each and every one of my friends and you mean so much to me.
I think we should just kick back and take it easy today and celebrate with a pizza party.
Chocolate Covered Cherries
Yummy Desserts
Please stay as long as your would like and thanks for being my friend.
ps: I love mom and forgive her.

September 20, 2015

Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

I am participating today in the Sunday Selfies hosted by Mauricio at The Cat on My Head.
Now I know you are thinking I am getting into the cupcakes but I took this photo to show that I have not touched a thing. See there is no purple icing on my face.

September 19, 2015

Meowwwwwww Like A Pirate

Shiver me timbers! It's Pirate's Day once again!!

I have my treasure I will have to guard but will some pirate food with you. Please help yourself to some grub.

Hot Dogs

Treats & Fruit


Graphic by Zoology

Enjoy your time as a pirate.
Glad you stopped by.

ps: head over to the Tabby Cat Club and join in the pirate fun there.

September 11, 2015


"Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain....
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die."
--Mary Elizabeth Frye

August 28, 2015

Remembrance Day


My family
Opus, Roscoe, & Anya (nephews & niece)
Muffett & Sassy (my sisters before me)

So many we have loved family and and friends that have run off to the bridge. They changed our life for knowing them and are forever close to us in our hearts and thoughts.

Run free dear ones. You are free of pain and the hurts that you have here. Until we meet again. <3
I will never forget or stop loving you.

July 4, 2015

Happy July 4th!

Happy 4th of July everyone!
Head on over to the Tabby Cat Club as we celebrate our Independence Day there.

June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

Wishing my daddie a very Happy Father's Day and all daddies too!!

June 19, 2015

Happy International Box Day

Happy International Box Day Everyone!
One of my favorite things to do in playing and sleeping in the boxes I find.
For more box fun visit the Tabby Cat Club and see what they are up to.

Thanks Ann for your graphic.

June 4, 2015

Hugs & Love

It's National Hug Your Cat Day
(Mom says everyday is hug your cat day)
My grandbean gives nice hugs, loves, and treats!
The Tabby Cat Club is celebrating too so head on over for some hugs.

May 12, 2015

Run Free Sweet Cubby

My good friend, Cubby has run off to the bridge.

Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us everyday.
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still Loved, and still missed
and forever dear,

Run free sweet one.
Until we meet again.

May 10, 2015

May 5, 2015

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo at the Tabby Cat Club. Sammy is hosting a party there. Everyone is invited. Hope to see you there.

April 26, 2015

Sunday Selfie

Time for Sunday fun hosted by, Mauricio from  Cat On My Head.

I think I set the timmer for too long of a time. It never went off so I got sleepy then click my photo was taken. I think I put in hours instead of minutes for the camera to take my picture.