November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving Day

~From My Family To Yours Happy Thanksgiving~


November 15, 2015

Sunday Selfie

It's Sunday Selfie day again and I am participating, thanks to Mauricio for hosting this fun event. The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies.

Sorry this is as good of a shot that I could get.
My camera kept falling over, oh man!

November 11, 2015

Thanks To All Our Veterans

My daddie
Served July 1967~February 1969
Korean Demilitarized Zone, Panmunjom Joint Security Area
Thanking my daddie and all veterans who have served our wonderful country in the armed forces making it possible for American to be a better and safer place to live.

November 8, 2015

SUNday Selfie

It's Sunday Selfie day and I am participating, thanks to Mauricio for hosting this fun event. The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies.

Oh dear I think I might be upside down and if that isn't bad enough my ear in turned inside out.

November 4, 2015

Let There Be Peace

~ Dona Nobis Pacem ~

Today I am participating in the Blog Blast for Peace. Click HERE and you will go to website BLOG 4 PEACE and get your peace background.