January 31, 2016

Scout Derby & Sunday Selfie

I am so excited to be in the semi finals at Cat Scout for my hot air balloon that I entered. Voting for the semi finals is going on now and if you would like to vote for me you can do so here.

It's Sunday Selfie day hosted by The Cat on My Head'. I love the Sunday Selfies.

Oops, did I get the photo?
Did I knock the camera over??

January 15, 2016

It's My Birthday

It's my seventh birthday today!
So glad you stopped by. Thought we would have just a little celebration for my birthday than we can all catch some zzzzzs.
Let's start with some party drinks . . .
. . . appetizers and horderves . . .
. . . main dishes . . .
. . . now the fun part, a dessert bar . . .
~Time to rest our tummies~
Find a nice sun spot and take a cat nap.
Here are some beds . . .
Sleeping Masks
Thanks for stopping by to help me celebrate my birthday. When you leave please pick a cat pillow to take home with you. You may also take your bed, your above pillow and sleeping masks.

So happy to share my special day with you.

January 10, 2016

Sunday Selfie

It's Sunday Selfie day, my favorite day of the week, and I am participating in The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies. Thanks Mauruicio for hosting this weekly fun event!

I really work hard around here especially keeping mom from working. If she is doing her stuff then she isn't working on my blogs, facebook, or helping me with scouts. I am keeping her from her ironing.  Oh no, did I cut the top part of my ears off on this one.
Happy SUNday everyone.

January 3, 2016

Sunday Selfie

It's Sunday Selfie day and I am participating, thanks to Mauricio for hosting this fun event. The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies. Love the selfie's!!

My mini me and pink hippo wanted to be in the selfie today.