February 21, 2017

Prayers for Socks

Please put your power of your prayers to work. Socks Is in need of prayers and love.

His mom posted this yesterday: "Bad news regarding Socks, it looks like the tooth reasoprtion is actually cancer. They suspect oral neoplasia. It's very aggressive Right mandible is severely swollen firm and lumpy, it's also pushing his tongue out of the way. Purrs Prayers, and Reiki appreciated."

February 19, 2017

Selfie Sunday & Welcome Teddy

Today is double fun, I am participating in The Cat on My Head's Sunday selfie and a Blog Hop welcoming Angel Sammy's new little brother, Teddy.

Welcome Teddy!!!

Here is the link to the Blog Hop. Teddy's Blog Hop 

Links Below to Cat On My Head.
Thanks for hosting everyone.

February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Will you please be my Valentine?

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family and friends.

February 12, 2017

Sunday Selfie & A Secret

It's Sunday Selfie Day and  I am participating in The Cat on My Head's fun day of photo taking. Thanks for hosting this weekly fun event Cat on My Head!

Many of you know that I am a Cat Scout.
I wanted to show you a photo of me wearing my neat Cat Scout bandana.

Before you head for home today please stop by Angel's Sammy's place.
There is a big announcement there.
It's a great one!!

February 5, 2017

Happy Super Bowl Sunday

Happy Super Bowl SUNday everyone. Hope your team wins.

I am cheering for the Atlanta Falcons because I liked their cheerleader outfit.

If I am not here when you visit I will be at the Tabby Cat Club Super Bowl Party.
Everyone is invited so please stop by.

I am all set for the big game and before it starts I thought I would visit The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies and check out what is going on over there. 

Thanks for hosting this weekly fun event Cat on My Head!