April 29, 2018

Happy 16th Birthday Allie

It's Sunday again and that means blop hop time with  The Cat on My Head. Today we are celebrating Allie's 16th Birthday. Stop by her place and wish her a very Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Allie

Mauricio, Allie's husband is having a comment-a-thon in celebration of Allie's 16th birthday. Please stop by Allie's blog and leave a comment and for each comment Mau will donate $1 to the Friends for Animals Sanctuary  in Brevard Co., FL.

April 20, 2018

Interview With Teddy

I have had the great opportunity to be interviewed about the Tabby Cat Club by Teddy from Two Spoiled Cats.
 Please head over to Teddy's Blog for the latest information about the Tabby Cat Club.

Thanks Teddy for hosting me on your show. I do want you to know that I turned down Entertainment when their offer came my way.