April 22, 2010

A Contest At JFF

April 26 is National Kids and Pet day so Jan's Funny Farm is hosting a contest, there will be a drawing of all that have entered to find the winner, over at her place to help out Chicken Soup For The Pet Lovers Soul.  Click on her name and go over to find out what the rules are.  I am entering the contest and this post is my entry. Wish me luck. Here goes . . .

Most of my friends know that there is a beautiful wonderful grand daughter in the family that comes to visit us. The above photo was taken on the day . . . well . . . let's just say . . . she was young and I was little . . . she was bothering me a lot . . . I didn't want to be bothered all the day long . . . and well . . . as mentioned in my October 23 post . . . well . . . I swatted her . . . I didn't mean too . . . she wasn't hurt . . . I felt bad . . . we made up and now we understand each other.

When the sweet one visits she doesn't chase me as much as she used to. Her grandma, my mom, explained to her that if she gave me my space I would sooner or later come out and let her see me. If she leaves me alone and not bother me too much I will finally come out of hiding and let her hold me. With this new understanding we now do lots of fun things together like watching tv on the bed. Another fun thing to do is when she is playing with her baby dolls I join in on the fun. You see she has a little toy bunk bed set that used to belong to her aunt and is allowed to play with it. Well I jump in the top bunk and take a little cat nap. But the number one most favorite thing I really enjoy are the treats. She likes giving me treats and I get them throughout the day. Yeahhhhhhh!

Another important thing she does that I really like is when I want to get down or away from her she let's me leave. She doesn't hold onto me making me stay. We love each other to bunches. Both of us are older now and enjoy our visits together. I always lookforward to her visits. Oh, I don't even think about swatting her anymore. We are best buds!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Aw, how cute, Gracie. This is another good example of the kid/pet bond.

Danielle said...

Aww!That was a good entry! I, too, don't mind Sticky Little people if they don't bother me too much (especially if treats are involved!).

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Gracie! I am so glad you are back - I hope your mom is feeling good!!

I think that you will win the contest because you are the most beautiful girlcat in the universe. And you have a very cute little bean in your pictures too! We can't enter because we don't have any pictures of us with kids - we don't really have any (our mom wants some of her own but hasn't had any luck finding any I guess). We know you weren't trying to hurt her, well, during the incident. Our mom told us that when she was little she would make her kitties stay by her when they didn't want to and she would get swatted too - she has actual scars, but she still loved the kitties because her mom explained it to her, probabably like your mom did to her grand daughterbean. It is great that you both understand each other now and play together - and that she gives you treats!! We think you both look very cute together!!

Anyway, I am so glad that you are back - I am sending over lots of snuggles and hugs and smooches!!


CCL Wendy said...

Your grandbean is simply adorable. And so is Gracie, so they were just made for each other. I guess they just had to learn about each other first, so now they both understand how they should behave.

Well, I think you have a very chance of winning with these two cuties as your entry!

Nice to see you back, Gracie! I wondered what happened to you.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Adorable pictures! Sometimes it takes a little time for the kitties and the little ones to get used to each other. I must remind my mom to submit my entry!!!

The Island Cats said...

Aw, those are some cute pictures of you and the grandbean! We're happy that she has learned to give you your space. Good luck in the contest!!

Jacqueline said...

A great entry in the contest...Sweet photos and such a darling, pretty little girl...It's great you guys are best buds now, Gracie; we bet she is a lot of fun to play with!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Creek Cats said...

Awww! These pictures are just the cutest!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Good that you two are getting on so well and little Cara has learnt to give kitties the space they need. Little ones need to learn how to get on with furries.

Cara is growing up to be a gorgeous little lady :)

Hope your mom is feeling better.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Good work Gracie!! You're teaching the mini-human valuable life lessons.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You look like good buds now, and you are both just gorgeous.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Hi Gracie ~ ferst of all we hope yoor mom is better. Purrs.

And we love that photo. We understand how hard it can be when little one's visit 'cos mom's grandbeans are 3 and 6 years old ~ and we hadta go froo that same difficulty that yoo experienced, when they were too young to know how to let us be. Fankfully they understand more now (altho we hidey from Izzy the 3 year old still).

meowmeowmans said...

Aw, that is so cute. Glad you are best buds now! :)

We hope your mom feels better real soon!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

What a sweet grandbean baby girl you have there Gracie...I know you did not mean to give her a big bee sting...you are a sweet kitty.
Beautiful photos of you both ...

Noll's Nip said...

How sweet!

Dexter said...

That is a very special friend you have, especially since she respects that sometimes you are not in the mood for snuggles.


Baby Patches said...

MOL hehehe pawsome post and you looks so sweet wif her my furriend!

Momma says I would never be ables to enters a contest likes dat because I no likes any strangers even da ones I has seen multiple times, I stays under da bed until dey leaves. Glad to hears you no swats anymore hehehe


Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are very sweet.