December 12, 2010

Snowy Sunday

I couldn't believe it! When I woke up this morning there was something different going on outside of my house . . .

. . . there was white stuff falling from the sky and covering all of our yard and pond . . .

. . . the mom called the stuff snow . . . it sure is pretty . . .

. . . I kept watching the stuff come down. Things are getting deeper outside. I am worried that it will take over all of our yard . . . the folks here aren't even concerned about things . . .

. . . this is my pond, it too is being taken over by the white stuff called snow . . .

. . . the mom said the snow is wet, cold, deep outside with the possibility of things getting deeper today and tomorrow. I am so glad that I have a furever home and am on the inside watching the outside make this transformation . . . I also am having a blast trying to catch some of those flakes.

If you are in the snowy area of the country I hope you are all warm and watching things from the inside of your house.


Raymond and Busby said...

Wow Gracie! We're so glad you are safe and warm inside. Ooooh, we'll have to call Grandma up in Crown Point and see if she got a lot of snow. We know she was on the warmer side of the storm yesterday, but it was supposed to turn cold over night last night.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

You're right, watching snow come down from the inside is the best way! Enjoy the view and have a relaxing Sunday!


Kea said...

Wow, look at all the white stuff! We have a freezing rain warning today, but so far it's been coming down just as rain. Not a nice day to be out anyway, for any of us. Stay all safe and snuggled up, Gracie, and have a wonderful Sunday.

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

OMC dats a lot of the white stuffs. It does look fun to chase! We do not have any yet but our grand-bean got over 14 inchese of the stuff yesterday. Have fun Gracie PURRS2u

The Island Cats said...

It's snowing here too, Gracie. We're glad we're inside and not out there!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We only got about an inch here and wish we had more. But we hear that lots of folks are struggling with the storm. We will cross our paws for all to be safe and warm.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Creek Cats said...

Wow! That snow sure does look cold! Good thing you are safe and warm in the house!

Jacqueline said...

Great photos=very cool Snow TV, beautiful Gracie!!...We are glad you are in your loving home and staying warm inside, sweetie...Happy week ahead, lovely friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Jans Funny Farm said...

glad you are warm and safe, Gracie. It's too cold out for us to want to be out there. Jan took the day off from walking with the woofies and they don't want to go outside either.

Angel Simba said...

That snow looks pretty! We have had only rain, which is not so pretty but easier to travel around in!

Summer at said...

Gracie, if I saw all that stuff going on outside, I think I would go into a panic! But then, I live in Southern California, so I have never seen it. My human thinks it would be cool if it snowed here just once! It did a couple of times, many decades before she was born.

Just Ducky said...

We are safe and warm, you stay safe and warm too.

Katnip Lounge said...

Gracie, that is kinda suspicious, that snow stuff taking over your pond and everything. Are you sure it's OK?

Anonymous said...

well it look wonderful to us!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



I have rain rain and more rain ;-(

Thanks fur sharing yours!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You just stay in and enjoy the view. It's time like this that one is truly thankful to have a warm forever home.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Isn't it wonderful being an indoor kitty! That's a LOT of snow!

Princess Jasmine said...

Don't worry too much Gracie. We had lots of snow the other week and it goes as quick as it comes. Best to stay indoors though cause its very cold on the pawsies. Stay warm and enjoying looking out and the pretty snow xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It does look pretty, but very cold.

Cat said...

It is so nice to be warm and cozy while the snow falls outside isn't it Gracie :-)

Dexter said...

I was relieved that all we got was rain. That snow stuff is most cold and icky.


Amy & the house of cats said...

HI Gracie! I am sorry I am so slow to come by lately - I blame mom. We got some of that snow stuff here too - I kinda remember it from last winter, but mostly I remember that tree in the living room. I think it is good you have a nice, warm, wonderful forever home so you are not out in it!

Oh, and I have a surprise coming your way - mom is just finishing it up for me so I can send it to you. It will have our Christmas card with it - but the surprise is the best part - I guess I shouldn't complain too much about mom making me behind in visits since she is helping me! I am so excited I can't wait to send it to you!!

