April 1, 2014

Tuesday Toesies~My Last Post

This is going to by my last post on my blog. I am ending my postings with my Tuesday Toesies photo. I shall miss all of you very much.

April's Fools! Did I get you?
Sorry I could help myself.


The Florida Furkids said...

OMC you had us all upset!!!!!! Yes, you got us!!!

The Florida Furkids

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BaaaaaWaaaaah THAT was a GOOD one... You surely FOOLED US.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oooo you're a brat! MOL

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Sheesh, Gracie!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

good one gracie...ya had uz wunderin fora minit for sure !! happee april foolz :)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

That upset us too! MOL!

What a darling pic of you today, Gracie! So smoochable!


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

you little stinker you :) but you have cute toes


Oh Grace that was some April Fools joke!
Thank you for coming by and wishing Boo a happy purrday.

Mickey's Musings said...

You gotted us!!!!!!
Thank heavens it was April Fools :)
We hear you giggling Gracie!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure, JJ
and Angels Tiger and Tillie

The Island Cats said...

OMC! You got me good, Gracie! Thank cod it was just an April Fools' joke!

Unknown said...

Goodness Gracious Gracie! Yous really had mes! Especially as mes did not sees it until today on my weekly catchup!

Katie Isabella said...

Sheesh Gracie. You scared me. Truly.

Dexter said...

I had a little bit of a panic there.
