September 21, 2014

My Blogoversary

Thanks to me dear friend Sammy for REMINDING MY MOM THAT TODAY IS BY BLOGOVERSARY!

From Sammy
Thank you Sammy

Sorry for yelling but mom really, really, really you forgot! Anyway, I started blogging back in 2009 and have met many dear friends. Everyone that I have met has touched my life in a special way. Though I have not been visiting very much lately, it's the mom don't ask, I still think of you. Mom has been trying to let me visit a little more. Some of my friends ran off to the bridge and my heart still and always will hold a place for them. I have been on many adventures in the Blogosphere and actually the fourth Blogosphere trip is being planned right now, Sammy and Raz will be helping me to host this. Details will be sent out soon so be on the lookout.

I want to share some of my favorite photos of the fun times I have had . . .

Surfing with my sweet Angel Tamir.
Though our time was too short how happy I am that he came into my life and we had some wonderful memories together.
Part of the Royal Family
Liz and I are such dear friends, they are like family to me. Quiet often we get together, sometimes I bring the folks along with me.
Gracie & Tubby at the Sock hop.
l-r: Sammy, Sunday, Gracie, Tubby, Anya, Raz, Madi, Mauricio, & Allie
Soda Shop Fun
Gracie & Anya, my niece
We are coming or going on another adventure. The sky is the limit!
I have decided that there are too many photos to choose to show and mom is not clever enough to do a slide show so how about we get right to things and have a party?
Appetizers & Horderves
Mice Cheese & Crackers
Pineapple Fish Kabobs
Mice Grilled Seasoned Chicken Drummies
Mice Baked Potato
Mice Chocolate Truffles
Mouse Cupcakes
Thanks for coming by it is always fun to see you.
Take a couple of books with you and a blankie when you head for home.
Thanks for stopping by and helping me celebrate my blogoversary.
ps: Just wanted you all to know that I do love my mommie soooooooo much. Ignore me yelling and stuff. My bad.

September 19, 2014

Pirates' Day

A hoy mates! Happy Pirates' Day to ye.
So enjoy Pirates' Day!
Arrrrrrr, I think there is a little bit of pirate in all of us.
Yo ho ho, it's a pirate's life for us!
Anya, my niece, and I hope your had luck with you today.
Did ye find ye treasure?

September 16, 2014


It's Cattitude Day at the Tabby Cat Club!

Cattitude is a little thing that makes a big difference!

September 14, 2014

SUNday Selfie & Remembering

Graphic by Sammy
The second Sunday in September is National Pet Memorial Day.
Honoring those pets who ran off to the Bridge.
Keeping you in our hearts always.
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us everyday.
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still Loved, and still missed
and forever dear
Remembering, Muffett, Sassy, Rosco, Opus, Olive, Angel Tamir, and my many friend that are watching over us.

Today I am participating in the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop. Here is my selfie, it is the best I could do.

You are next... Click here to enter
This list will close in 4 days, 12 hrs, 59 min (9/18/2014 11:59 PM North America - Eastern Standard Time)

What is a blog hop?
Get the code here...

September 11, 2014

Always Remember

Always in our thoughts, prayers, and hearts.

September 9, 2014

Sock Hop at the Tabby Cat Club

Sock Hop

Head on over to the Tabby Cat Club and rock around the clock.
Sammy is hosting a Sock Hop over there.
See you soon.