April 30, 2016

National Tabby Cat Day!

There is a big celebration over at the Tabby Cat Club!
Everyone is invited to attend even if you are not a tabby.
Come on over and hang out with us.

You can find out why it is wonderful to be a tabby cat . . .
Hugs from mom

. . . I am posting one reason here . . .
we are adorable and get lots of extra hugs because of that.

See you at the party: http://tabbycatclub.blogspot.com/

April 26, 2016

April 24, 2016

Selfie Time

It's Sunday once again and time for selfie photo fun. Today I am participating in The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies. Thanks for hosting this weekly fun event!

I wanted to show you a photo of me in my comforter cave.
I will set the timer on the camera and  . . . yaaaawwwwnnnn . . .

April 17, 2016

Sunday Selfie Cat Nip

It's Sunday Selfie day, my favorite day of the week, and I am participating in The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies. Thanks for hosting this weekly fun event!

I wanted to get a good photo of my caterpillar, my favorite toy, and me but it didn't work out. You see my caterpillar is filled with the nip and I just forgot to focus on my selfie. Oh well.