April 24, 2016

Selfie Time

It's Sunday once again and time for selfie photo fun. Today I am participating in The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies. Thanks for hosting this weekly fun event!

I wanted to show you a photo of me in my comforter cave.
I will set the timer on the camera and  . . . yaaaawwwwnnnn . . .


The Daily Pip said...

What a precious photo. You look very comfy cozy

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That looks like a very cozy spot!

pilch92 said...

You look so cute and comfy Gracie. You must be enjoying your Spring Break from CSU.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is very, very cute sweet Gracie!

Kitties Blue said...

Gracie, this is so adorable of you snuggling in your comforter. You are such a beautiful girl. Mau says he'll see you tonight at Scouts for Anya's Induction ceremony. Thanks so much for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

The Florida Furkids said...

Excellent selfie...you combined two memes too...EASY like Sunday and Sunday Selfies!
The Florida Furkids

Team Tabby said...

Picture of comfort, Gracie!


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Awww, a falling asleep selfie!

Katie and The Katz said...

That does looks like a furry comfurtable comfy cave! Thanks fur sharing how sweet you looks even half asleep.

Purrz from
Katie Mom and Katie Too.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Adorable selfie! It's Sunday - you shouldn't have to get up!

Purrseiodn said...

What a cozy selfie ... I think I feel a nap coming on ;-)

Mickey's Musings said...

That is a comfy selfie Gracie :)
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

The Island Cats said...

That's a sleepy selfie, Gracie.

meowmeowmans said...

What a great easy like Sunday selfie, Gracie. Love you, sweet girl!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We do the unner-the-blankie thing a lot, but oddly we dont like our heads sticking out.

Photo Cache said...

Oh my comforter cave? Too bad my human does not like comforters, it makes her too hot.

Emma and Buster

Anonymous said...

That looks like a very sleepy yawn...MOL.. Purrfect Selfie, though! Pawkisses :) <3