November 1, 2009


Just being lazy trying to catch some rays when the clickie thing comes out with the mom behind it.

I'll pose really nice so she can get her photo then hopefully go away.

She isn't getting the hint.
I will do one more pose for her then I know she will go away from me.

Please, now leave me be!


Us4 Cats said...

ahhh that looks like a very warm and cozy and so cute sunday spot. enjoy.

Cory said...

A true "sun" day!

Not to get you all confused but Jonesie has to move her garden meeting to Friday this week because of the BlogBlast for Peace that's happening on Thursday. Hope to see you on Friday!

The Island Cats said...

Glad the sun came out for you, Gracie! And we hope the flashy box went away!

Angel Simba said...

Yummy sun! You look so happy in it.

My Mom says to tell you that without photos, the blog posts would be rather dull. So you wanna blog? You gotta have pictures taken!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You look lovely in the sunshines. We liked your tocks picture and we hopes you had a Great Halloween. ~S,S,C & F

CCL Wendy said...

Gracie, you look beautiful in the sunbeams! Your little face is just beaming, too, and your mommy wants to capture that so she can remember it forever!

GLOGIRLY said...

Gracie you are looking beautiful soaking up that sun. I'm busy recovering from the Halloween terror that took place here yesterday. There's no sun here today, so I'm buried under the down comforter. I'm not coming out for anything! ... well maybe food.


Asta said...

You desewve a nice snooze in the sun
We got to see you and awe now satisfied.time fow peace and quiet fwom the hoomans, heheh
smoochie kisses

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

No wonder your mum wanted to snap away.. You are lovely... Hugs Gj xx

Raymond and Busby said...

Gracie you are very photogenic. You also have a very beautiful bloggie, we love the holiday theme and the cool layout.

Hope you get some peace and quiet soon in your sunny spot. This time of year they don't last very long!

Purrs, Busby and Raymond

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

The last is the cutest. Love your eyes! Keep posing, little one.

Unknown said...

Oooh - so cute. Don't we all love SUNday!!
Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comments :-)
I'm having a giveaway ending tomorrow for my followers - Hope you can visit back and join the list!!
Your blog is adorable!
Cheers, Karen

Poppy Q said...

Gracie, you look so sweet. Usually when mum gets home, I climb off her bed to say hello for an hour or so. Then I put myself to bed between 7-8pm, and sleep through to 8am this morning. As mum has the day off she watched me, I got up and had breakfast, watched her put out the washing and then went back to bed for the past 4 hours. I think that 20 hours snoozing would be about normal for me. British shorthairs are prone to being a bit lazy though.

You enjoy your sunbeams.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Gracie--you're nothing but a STAR in the sunlight! Nicely done!!1

Lisa said...

Sun rays are a cat's best friend!

Dexter said...

Sun baking rocks. Just ignore annoying lady with camera.


Karen Jo said...

Sunbeams are the very best, especially this time of year. I can't blame your Mom for taking your picture, as you were obviously enjoying yourself so much. I hope you did get some peace to enjoy your sun, though.

Gattina said...

As you look there, you don't seem ready to catch the birdies on my blog, lol !

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Might be the best "Sun"day ever!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Yup, it's something about sun and kitties that makes the mommies go "Squeeee!" My mommy does it all the time to Jack and me too. At least the flash doesn't go off when the sun is on!


Parker said...

You look great there Gracie!

Daisy said...

The sunshine looks pretty on your furs!

ps: I saw your question about eating meats. Since we have been on the raw meat medallions, our poops are very small, dry and not stinky at all. When we "go" it is like about 4 or 5 little olives! Since there is no filler and all the meat is usable protein, there is not much "waste" - literally!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You really are catching the rays aren't you? Don't mind the flashy will follow you everywhere, be we love the results!

Hansel said...

silly moms. they never get it do they?

Lisa said...

Hey Gracie & Co. It's very simple to add the followers/google connect box. Just go to your dashboard, select "Edit Layout" and then there should be an option to "Add a Gadget". When you get there, just select "Followers". The google connect automatically shows itself under that option! Hope that helps!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We'd love it if all days were SUNdays like that!!!

Anonymous said...

Gracie, when our momma sees you in that sunbeam and thinks about where you came from out in the big world with no one at all - well, she gets all happy insides fur you.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. We know. Posing doesn't work, ignoring doesn't work. Us cats are just too cute, apparently.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are nice sunbeams that you found.
You asked about our links list for our friends. The times by their names aren't when they last visited, but when they last made a post. If you want to do it, you need to go to 'page elements', then go to 'Blog List' and click 'edit' then check 'date of last update' I think it is the last one of about five boxes. You can set it to be in either alphabetical order as I have, or chronlogical time. Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Gracie, you did a great job posing. I know what you mean with the camera, those humans can be a little anoying!

Anonymous said...

Yoo know beans jus dun get it, dey wont let us relax wifout da flash box around. Sum day we is goin to do dat to our the mom, and post her piccy! oooooooo now dat wud make an interesting meme! Hmmmmmm we has to fink now!

Mr. Hendrix said...

great job posing Gracie. The beans never seem to get enough pictures of us do they? That flashy box is crazy around here lately with me being so handsome and that silly blurpy baby

CCL Wendy said...

Sure Gracie! Go ahead and get the widget from the clock on the LOLSpot! Enjoy!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Humans just can't take a hint. Well, just remember that the next time they are snuggled in their beds!

Opus and Ollie