April 29, 2011

A Royal Wedding

When the folks and I sent in our RSVP for the royal wedding we didn't have a clue what wonderful seats we would have. We can thank Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip for our ring side seats!
There might be more photos to follow in the next few days.

Wishing the best for the newly married couple!!

April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Easter blessing to you, your family, all of your loved ones, and friends!

April 17, 2011


My favorite day of the week! SUNday!!

Hope everyone at your place is having a restful day with family, friends, and loved ones.

And I hope your mom or dad respects your day of rest and not bother you with the clickie thingie

April 2, 2011

Remember Me?

Hey you all, just wanted to let you know that we are still here. The mom is doing pretty good and I am doing my best to make her happy by giving her plenty of snuggle time and I even pose for her when she has the camera.

We want to thank everyone that stopped by when my uncle went to heaven and left kind words. This made us all feel better to know how many of you care. We will visit with each and every one of you that stopped by earlier as soon as the mom is ready.

Miss all of you and hope the mom will soon be ready to work for me again.