There is a song that I hear around this time of the year and I have to agree with the words
~It's the most wonderful time of the year~
. . . it seems that each year around this time of year my folks bring a tree in the house and put lights on it, garland, ornaments, and poinsettia flowers on it. Then the mom puts this really neat shiny shear material around the bottom of the tree . . . looks really nice I think . . . I have given up trying to figure out why they do these things. I just make the best of it.
. . . of course I have to give my stamp of approval of things. Everything looked ok on the tree but I did have to remove the gold pretty material at the bottom of the tree . . . well actually I didn't remove it, mom did. She got tired of me running through things and trying to carry it away. Oh what fun that was while it lasted. I do hope she puts it back down but I am not counting on it.
Now if you get bored with playing around with the Christmas tree if you have one I recommend garland. Once it hits the ground you can have all kinds of fun with it. The best is to hide in it. Do you see me? Bet you will have to look really hard . . . there now did you finally find me? I'm in there.
If you get tired of hiding in the garland there is another fun game called crouch. You get on one side of the garland and rock your bottom back and forth, this allows you to spring into action when anyone goes by. You can attack whoever dares to go by you, gently of course, and if you are fast enough you won't even be seen.
I was having so much fun in the garland I didn't even mind that the mom got out the flashie box and took so many photos. It was like I was in a photographers studio. She sure was happy that I cooperated with the photo session, I usually don't.
Phew, I am getting a little tired with all of these new toys that I have. To my surprise I found the garland to make a really nice pillow where one can catch some nice zzzzzs.