January 18, 2010

My First Adventure

The day has come and I am ready for the gang to pick me up. The gang, for those of you that are new friends, are the CCSI pioneers and include Opus, Olive, Momo, Asta, Karl, Ruis, and me.

I received a package from Opus and Olive for my birthday with specific directions that included being packed by Monday at 9:00am and to wear the blindfold that was in the box. I have been ready and waiting not sure what is up but know it will be a travel adventure of some kind. I sat by the window all morning waiting to hear the sound of the MFV's motor as they arrived.

Photo by Karl

I had so much time this morning because I got up early from excitement that I cleaned my room and put my suitcases in the living room so I could just grab them and be off in a flash, I sure hope I didn't forget anything.

Photo by Opus
Before I knew it they were here and right on time!

Photo by Opus

After driving which seemed like hours and hours, that is probably just because I was so excited to see where we were going, I heard sounds of music, rumblings, and lots of laughter. I couldn't figure out where we were until I was allowed to take off my blindfold.

Photo by Opus
To my happy surprise I found out that we were at the Seuss Landing at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida! The gang is treating me to three days and two nights, paying for all my food, accomodations, and the theme park tickets. This is so purrrfect as I had a Seuss birthday party just a few days ago so this just fit right in! I'll keep you posted on what we are up to as the adventure continues. Don't forget, too, that I will visit with all of my friends that came to my party. The mom has been busy and I haven't been able to see everyone yet but hopefully by the end of the week she will have more free time to help me out on this. Good thing I am away from the house because I would be bored with nothing to do.

Photo by Opus
Olive in her art portrait studio.

ps: Be sure to check out the auction this week, Ollie is donating her time and talent to do self portraits for a donation. These portraits are a limited edition so don't wait to long. Check out the details at Fiona's Fundraiser Week #6.


Brian's Home Blog said...

Wow, you are gonna have bunches of great memories for your scrap book!!!

The Creek Cats said...

Oh wow, what a pawsome adventure!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Seuss Landing sounds like a lot of fun. If you have time come by and see us. The dancing white stallions are going to be at the Biloxi Coliseum Sunday, we are dying to go see them. It would be great if the gang could come too. ~AFSS

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What an exciting trip you had!!!

The Island Cats said...

Wow! What fun you're gonna have!! We love how you all are wearing your Cat in the Hat hats!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What an amazing adventure, Gracie!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Gracie I am going to miss you while you are gone! I had so much fun at your party! I wish mom hadn't gotten sick, so I could have stayed the whole time, but I did have to be there to take care of her at least part of the time - it is only fair. But I will be dreaming of you while you are in Seuss land - it sounds like it will be very fun!!



Hoshi said...

What a adventure!! I wish I could joined you guys!!

Remington said...

That is GREAT! You will have a lot to tell us all about! Enjoy!

Anya said...

Such a lovely adventure :-)
Its nice to see you so happy ....

Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

Cindy said...

Such an exciting trip. Must have been fun.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Looks like fun. It must be nice to have a fun gang to adventure with.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That is a fabulous trip.. Mum has been there and got an autograph.. She was so excited to see it again.. Hugs GJ xx

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What a good kitty you are - following instructions to the tee! We're gonna to have FUN!!!!! The first of many more adventures to come, little one.

Asta said...

Sissie Gwacie
I could hawdly sit still in the MFV when we came to pick you up..I wanted to see the look on youw face when you finally took youw blindfold off..The gang weally did it this time!!1 Gweat planning huh???
This will be fantastic!!
Let's go get some food at the snack baw
smoochie kisses,ASTA

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like you and the gang are all going to have a great time.

The Florida Furkids said...

Hey, you're not too far from us. We should teleport over and visit! Have fun on your adventure!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So much fur my idea woo were khoming to see me!

It looks like woo had fun!


Dexter said...

And the party continues! This is a super adventure.


Cat Naps in Italy said...

Tahhhh dahhhhhh!!!!! Are you soooo surprised? We thought since you had a Cat in the Hat birthday party, that you would enjoy visiting Suess Landing! Can't wait to paint the town, er landing, red!

Kitty Kisses from Suess Landing,
Opus and Ollie

My Mind's Eye said...

HI Gracie great post...your mom is very creative.
Madi and Mom

meowmeowmans said...

Now THAT sounds like fun. What a fun adventure!

The Cat Realm said...

gracie - i am having so much fun with you and the gang at seuss landing!!! i hope we'll have many more such adventures....
i just wish i hadn't forgotten my suitcase at your place - somehow i have a bad feeling about that....

The Misadventures Of Me said...

What a fun birthday present to gets! It looks like yoo is hasin loads of fun.


Anonymous said...

When you're all funned out, climb into Kitty Kitty Bang Bang and fly down to the beach to visit with us!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like yoo had great fun!

GLOGIRLY said...

What a fabulous adventure for you and your friends! And great photos to help you remember all the excitement. : )

Have a great weekend...
(Glogirly's cat)

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Looks like you had a pawsome twip!!

Thanks for stopping by! We wuff new friends!

The Fiesty Three

Anonymous said...

My goodness, Gracie! You certainly are a busy, little gal, aren't you? The graphics are fantastic and the adventure DIVINE!