November 8, 2011

What The Heck!

It's going to be a fun day, so I thought, as I discovered a new box sitting in the living room.
I keep a close eye on things because as soon as that box is empty I know it will be mine to play in. I don't know why the dad is taking time out to read a novel that came out of the box. I just want him to hurry up and empty the box out.
Now I am getting excited as things are coming out but I must say I am a little worried two. I don't think I like the looks of the thingie that was living in the box.
Heck with the box I say! What the heck!! They brought another sucker dooer to live in the house!!! Don't they know these things scare me to death. It isn't like they don't have enough of these monsters here. They already have a really big one.

I thought they loved me, why would they do something like this???? So much for the fun day.


Sweet Purrfections said...

what a way to ruin a great day!

Truffle and Brulee

Admiral Hestorb said...


Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, no, how cruel! Another sucky monster, when that box could have held wonderful kitty toys and treats instead! NO FAIR!

Unknown said...

But did yous try out the box?

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I was too worried about the sucker dooer. I was afraid there might be another one inside or something worse.

The Florida Furkids said...

EEEEK!!!! RUN! HIDE!!!! We hate the sucker dooer

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Man and it looked like such a promising day!

Mr Puddy said...

Miss Gracie ! RUN !!!!

Summer at said...

Ugh. That is SO not-fun! Can't you just tell your human "Do NOT want?"

Kwee Cats said...

Miss Gracie, you are so, so, so cute! We don't like them sucker dooers either! One time, CatDaddy Junior was helping it, and it suckered up some of the floof on Oliver's tail, while it was still attached to his tail! We all thought he was gone for sure! Luckily it was just his floof and not his tail, and CatDaddy Junior killed the sucker dooer. But, it came back to life again later.

We hope that box works out okay sure does look like it'd be a good one.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

ANUDDER sucker monster? Why would they torture you this way?

Anonymous said...

Goodness waited so patiently for that box. We do hope you got to play in it though.
Yeah we don't like the sucker dooer either...but whats a cat to do??

Thank you so much for your Purrs and Prayers for Bunny.

Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper,Marley and Melody

Angel Simba said...

Oh noes! Well, it IS a pretty color - that is a tiny consolation. But I hope they just got it for decoration and don't ever plug it in.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh noes!!! The thoughts of a brand new box spoiled by the new rug sucker!!!! Totally not fair!!!!!!
Chew off the plug ;) heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

The Island Cats said...

Well, that just sucks. Hahaha!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

You mean after all that you didn't even get the box? What a letdown!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that is cruel and unusual punishment for sure!!!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I didn't want the box. I was afraid there would be another sucker dooer inside.

Angel Simba said...

Hi, Gracie. To answer your question, we had snow the Saturday before Halloween. Although it was not a lot of snow, it was wet and heavy, and clung to the leaves still on the trees. The weight of it snapped many many branches. New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts etc (parts, anyway) were all affected. It was a freak weather happening.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh sweet one..I included Tabby Tuesday. xoxoxox

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

I'm lucky our apartment is small and has wood floors, so no sucker dooer monster thingies. Mom uses a broom, which is fine by me.

wildcatwoods said...

Oh noes..those are scary monsters!

Cats of wildcat woods

Ellen Whyte said...

Sheesh, the CHEEK of it! You poor kitten. We're purring in sympathy.

~E said...

Awwww poor baby. My cats are telling you to unplug it when it goes. They have did it;)

Dexter said...

Good luck with that. Looks like they are collecting the sucker things. Just make sure they are all in their crates before you turn your back on them.
